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Descriptive Statistics - Histogram - Example

[Home] [Up] [Central Tendency] [Concentration] [Box Plot] [Density Trace] [Frequency Table] [Moments] [Correlation] [Partial Correlation] [Quartiles] [Simple Regression] [Skew./Peaked.] [Rank Correlation] [Variability] [Histogram]

[Mean] [SD - Biased] [Range] [Interval Size] [Intervals 1] [Intervals 2] [Intervals 3] [Goodness of Fit]


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¦ GOODNESS OF FIT TEST 2 ¦             Mid.   Norm.  Obs.      %      Res.
                                       -5.0      .0     0    .00   -   .00
STATISTICS                             -4.5      .0     0    .00   -   .00
                                       -4.0      .0     0    .00   -   .01
Chi-Squared Statistic :     19.270059  -3.5      .1     0    .00   -   .06
Degrees of Freedom    :      8         -3.0      .3     0    .00   -   .32
Probability           :       .013480  -2.5     1.3     0    .00   -  1.26
                                       -2.0     3.9     0    .00   -  3.89
                                       -1.5     9.3    11   7.64      1.67
                                       -1.0    17.4    30  20.83     12.58
                                       - .5    25.3    28  19.44      2.65
Arithmetic Mean       :      2.802986    .0    28.7    19  13.19   -  9.72
                                         .5    25.3    24  16.67   -  1.35
Standard Deviation    :      1.195490   1.0    17.4    15  10.42   -  2.42
                                        1.5     9.3     9   6.25   -   .33
                                        2.0     3.9     5   3.47      1.11
Range Absolute        :      5.180000   2.5     1.3     2   1.39       .74
                                        3.0      .3     1    .69       .68
Step Interval  Number :      8.165763   3.5      .1     0    .00   -   .06
                 Size :       .634356   4.0      .0     0    .00   -   .01
                                        4.5      .0     0    .00   -   .00
Observations   Number :    144          5.0      .0     0    .00   -   .00

         INTERVAL                                        2
                                                  [ O-E ]
    Lower        Upper     Expected  Observed     --------

              -   1.15        18.00        18          .00
 -   1.15     -    .67        18.00        30         8.00
 -    .67     -    .32        18.00        20          .22
 -    .32     -    .00        18.00        12         2.00
 -    .00          .32        18.00        15          .50
      .32          .67        18.00        13         1.39
      .67         1.15        18.00        16          .22
     1.15                     18.00        20          .22

Arithmetic Mean                  :      2.802986
Standard Deviation               :      1.195490

Chi-Squared Test Statistic Value :     12.555556
              Degrees of Freedom :      5
                     Probability :       .027919

Measure of Skewness   :       .577068    Chi-Squared Statistic :      7.992186
Stand. Norm. Value    :      2.827045    Degrees of Freedom    :      1
Probability           :       .002349    Probability           :       .004698

Measure of Kurtosis   :      2.606228    Chi-Squared Statistic :       .930339
Stand. Norm. Value    :      -.964541    Degrees of Freedom    :      1
Probability           :       .832613    Probability           :       .334775

Chi-Squared Statistic :      8.922525
Degrees of Freedom    :      2
Probability           :       .011548

Descriptive Statistics - Histogram - Example


(°) Box, G.E. and Jenkins, G.M.

Time Series Analysis : Forecasting and Control

Holden Day, San Francisco, 1976, p. 531.

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Central Tendency
Box Plot
Density Trace
Frequency Table
Partial Correlation
Simple Regression
Rank Correlation
SD - Biased
Interval Size
Intervals 1
Intervals 2
Intervals 3
Goodness of Fit
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Contributions and Scientific Research: Prof. Dr. E. Borghers, Prof. Dr. P. Wessa
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